Providing local, fresh products from the farm to your table.
We sell eggs by the dozen! All of our chickens are free ranged and fed non-GMO high quality feed.
medium brown eggs $5
small white eggs $4
quail eggs $6
We raise and sell Icelandic Chickens! They are a wonderful addition to any homestead or small farm that wants something that can forage for itself. They are a hardy breed, that grow at a fair speed and can be used for both egg supply and meat. They are, however, a smaller bird than one would want if you were simply looking for meat. They lay a smaller whitish egg, and will lay most of the year. Perhaps the neatest thing is the color variants they come in, many think it is a wild barnyard mix but they are simply that diverse in coloration. This works well for those who desire variety. They are also a fairly docial bird and the roosters, while protective of the hens, rarely test people or other animals. These are a very uncommon breed around here and would make a great addition to any homestead.
We also deal in barnyard mixes! How do you keep them all apart. Well we only keep Icelandic Roosters and the Icelandic Chickens are the only ones we keep that lay a white egg. This makes it easy to distinguish. We also from time to time will buy random hatching eggs. The variety of chickens we have are to numerous to list. However, if you are someone who does not care what breed of bird it is then we have some for you.